This may be one of the weirdest things I've decided to challenge myself to do. Not weird because of what it is. Weird because I ran a half marathon about 3 years ago, and I HATED it!

Here's the thing. I'm tired of sitting in mediocrity. I was sitting at my computer the other day and I got this email telling me that USA Fit Bend was having it's first meeting of this season the next morning at 8am. Something inside me said "Hey! Hey you! Why don't you do this?".
I'm not sure where that voice came from, but it kept talking to me. "You think you can't do it, don't you?". "Remember last time you trained for the half marathon? Yeah. That hurt." And the other one: "Why WOULDN'T you be able to do this? Other people do it. Why can't you?"
That lovely voice that usually is telling me I can't, started telling me that I could. Weird, huh? I started listening to THAT voice instead.
The big reasons I kept listening to that voice is because I know that if I were to do a training such as this, it would test my limits. And I know that I am capable of so much more than I give myself credit for. I know that if I start accomplishing some things I wasn't sure I was capable of at one point, the possibilities are endless! I know that it would spill over into the rest of my life! Yes, there is an ultimate goal here, but what benefits would I reap besides finishing a marathon? More confidence? A better body? Better nutrition? A new group of friends and supporters in life? Some new and exciting experiences? Absolutely! So beyond the pain I know I will endure, all of the benefits seem to keep on snowballing in my mind and make the whole experience seem like a really exciting thing!
There is one more thing.
I am not getting any younger! I am in good health. And I know that someday, I may not be able to do something like this. When I am 80, will I wonder what could have been? Or do I want to look back on the things that I did do?
So this is my decision. To GO FOR IT! I want to see what I can do. I want to see what spills over into the rest of my life!
Have you ever done something because you were kind of daring yourself to? That is how I kinda feel.
I'm going to document this 24 week journey in some way. Either by video, by writing and blogging about it, or just on facebook. I don't really know yet! But what I do know is it is not going to be a boring journey.
The last piece of this is to fuel myself with only Juice Plus products.
Here is why:
Athleticism and Juice Plus
If it is great enough for the German, Swiss, and Austrian Olympic Teams, it has to be good enough for me!
I will continue with the Garden, Orchard, and Vineyard blends daily, but I will be using the Complete Shake for fuel and recovery. I will also be eating the bars for snacks! I also want to follow a predominately plant based diet. I am currently reading "Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and in Life" by Brenden Brazier and using his website for recipes and advice.
Brenden's Book
Please follow me on this crazy journey!
Be well,