I have a confession.
I'm not perfect.
In my head I am! Aren't we all?
I preach health, nutrition, prevention, exercise, veggies, veganism, vegetariansm...the list goes on! I have the MOST honest intentions and I have so much information in my head about how to live the healthiest life possible! But when it comes to myself, I fall. I pick myself back up! But then I fall again. It comes back to those habits I talked about way back in the beginning of this blog's life:
But, I think the key is to keep picking yourself up and doing it again!
Do it with intention.
Get some support around you.
Remember your reasons for doing what you want to do.
Make some mistakes, and then pick yourself back up and get back to it! Be a good example for others, talk about what you know.
Make some mistakes, and then pick yourself back up and get back to it!
Learn from your mistakes.
Be true to yourself.
Don't worry about criticism. Just get back to it!. And KEEP getting back to it.
What do you struggle with most? Is it eating? Exercise? Finding motivation for any of it? Time? Money? Are you lost in the sea of information and don't know where to start?
For me it is time. When I don't have time I get lazy. I won't exercise for a day...then another day...and then another day. And then I have less motivation because it seems hard to get started again. But it is a domino effect! I don't exercise, then I eat a not so healthy meal. I crave more unhealthy stuff and then I feel guilty. Then I feel bad that I'm not exercising to combat the unhealthy meals. Then an opportunity comes up which means I won't exercise again...and then I usually need to order take-out because that opportunity got me home later than expected! Then I'm feeling guilty...
Sheesh. As I write this, it seems so silly and that I am WAY too hard on myself. Anyone else have this problem? No? I'm sure I am the only one. :)
So here is my solution. This is where I am picking myself back up and starting again! Here is where all this information that is in my head comes out!
I know a healthy lifestyle is WAY more than eating and exercising:
It is:
- support!
- making time for myself.
- drinking enough water
- getting enough sleep
- eating less processed food
- drinking less caffeine and alcohol
- exercising at least 4 times per week!
- spending time with my family and friends
Which is exactly what Transform 30 is and what it promotes.
There are so may "programs" out there to help people with weight loss. THIS IS NOT THAT.
I can stand behind this program because it is not about a quick fix! It is about changing habits for the better. It is about feeling great, getting proper nutrition with food and with activities for your mind and body. It is support! It is accountability, which is what so many of us are lacking. We may think we don't need it, but we do! Especially when it comes to creating new habits!
So I am starting May 1! This program requires NUTRITION! I will be using Juice Plus Garden, Orchard, and Vineyard blends (which I already do), and drinking 1-2 shakes per day (I will do one this time) as meal replacements for 30 days. No dairy. No wheat. 3 liters of water. Exercise 4x per week. 8 hours of sleep per night! I will not give up my 1 coffee per day and I don't have to! I will have an alcoholic drink every once in awhile - which is all I do anyway. It's not about deprivation. It's about setting a 30 goal, and getting healthier.
LET ME BE CLEAR: This is not for weight loss. This is to get ON TRACK. Losing weight will possibly be a by product, but that is not my goal. I want to lessen my cravings, I want some more energy to workout, I want to sleep more (someone is telling me I have to?? Yes, please!), I want to drink more water, and I know that nutrition is 80% of my success in these areas! So I am going to do it with support. Nutrition support, recipe support, group support. And after 30 days, I know I will be a better form of myself and I can't wait to post my journey!
This is what creates a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.

If you'd like, you can join me! This is how:
If you'd like to email me with questions about what I'm doing, I'd love it!
Please follow me on my journey and let me know about yours!
Be well,